Sanders with Lamef Pradman recovery are suitable for jobs where total absence of abrasive and dust dispersion in the environment surrounding the sandblasting operation is required.
Suitable for operating with a special brush head, they are capable of sandblasting and instantly recovering the launched abrasive.
The abrasive is aspirated by means of a high prevalence fan, selected from a cyclone complete with sieve and dedusted by a self-cleaning filter with a cartridge.
The selected abrasive is ready to be put back into the operating cycle. However, in order for the abrasive to be effectively sucked in, the brush must adhere perfectly to the surface.
It is advisable to use abrasives of small particle sizes and in relation to the finishing result to be obtained, it is possible to choose Shot blasters with an abrasive launching system by suction or pressure.
All the models are carellato in order to facilitate their movement.